
Women Wanted for COVID-19 Survey

Women make most of the healthcare decisions in their family. And Black women, in particular, not only make decisions for their own families but are considered the leaders in the community for information and guidance on health care. Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett was one of...

Colorado Women’s Alliance opposes paid family leave

Published, Grand Junction Sentinel, Sept 11, 2020:   Colorado Women’s Alliance opposes paid family leave While it may seem counter-intuitive, the Colorado Women’s Alliance opposes the paid family leave proposition on this fall’s ballot. Understand that we are not...

Conservative Women of America, Uncle Sam Needs You!

Illustration on recruiting Conservative women for office by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times more > By Jeff Hunt - - Wednesday, July 8, 2020 ANALYSIS/OPINION: When I was a young teenager, I was busted for spray painting on a neighbor’s house. When the police...

The Colorado Women’s Alliance Opposes Proposition CC

The Colorado Women’s Alliance Opposes Proposition CC - Crippling the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights is Not the Answer September 10, 2019 This November, our ballots will contain a deceptively-worded measure that asks for our vote. Proponents say Proposition CC is a...

American Women are the Most Powerful and Free in the World

American Women are the Most Powerful and Free in the World May 7, 2019 By Genevieve Wooden “Friends of the Colorado Women’s Alliance” We live in a time of contradiction for women.  American women have more freedom and power than any others in the world and yet there...